How an infrared cabin can help with fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a non-joint syndrome. It is characterised by muscle pain and pressure sores scattered around the body. The muscle pain usually becomes more severe after inactivity or exposure to cold. The syndrome is often accompanied by several general complaints such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, muscle stiffness and headaches. More information:

Our experience with people suffering from fibromyalgia
SuperSauna has specialised in selling therapeutic infrared cabins for 15 years. We originally come from the healthcare sector and have therefore also focused entirely on selling infrared cabins for relieving muscle and joint pains. We have clearly noticed a shift in the medical world in recent years. In the past, people were mostly reluctant to use infrared cabins for relieving pains related to fibromyalgia. Nowadays, we find that more and more people are being referred to our shops by medical specialists, as it is noticed that many of their patients do benefit from infrared heat treatment. As a result, the infrared cabin has gained considerable popularity in recent years.
Studies done on use of infrared cabin in fibromyalgia patients
In recent years, more and more studies have been conducted on the use of infrared cabins for relieving pains related to rheumatism, arthritis and fibromyalgia. PROF. DR. J.J. RASKER (rheumatologist) affiliated to University of Twente in collaboration with DR. FRITS OOSTERVELD FYSIOTHERAPEUT (professor of Saxion University of Applied Sciences) already concluded that: ‘Patients with rheumatoid arthritis reported a reduction in pain and stiffness of about 40 per cent after one half-hour infrared cabin session. In the Bechterew patients, pain had decreased by around 50 per cent and stiffness by as much as 60 per cent,’ Frits Oosterveld said.

Another study conducted by researcher Dr Masao Nakamura attached to P & O Medical Clinic in Japan showed that persons treated with infrared reduced stiffness and felt demonstrably less pain. Positive effects were also found in persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis by Ed Justun F. Lehmann M.D., William and Wilkens.

Operation of therapeutic infrared cabin and infrared radiant heat
With a combination of the different infrared emitters, the infrared heat is better absorbed by the body compared to regular infrared emitters.
In therapeutic infrared cabins, not only is the back wall equipped with infrared emitters, but the side walls of the cabin must also be equipped with infrared emitters for proper operation. The side walls usually contain the carbon radiators. Due to their special shape, these radiators are particularly suitable for treating shoulder and neck pain. Ideal for people suffering from fibromyalgia.
In addition, in most infrared cabins it is possible to combine short-wave infrared emitters with long-wave ones, as this combination ensures better absorption of the infrared into the body. This is important in people suffering from fibromyalgia.
Other additional benefits of an infrared sauna
Perspiration is a healthy way to detoxify. During this process, harmful substances are removed from the body. Regular use of the infrared sauna therefore has a cleansing effect on the body. When regularly taking medication, it is important that the body can also remove these substances properly, and an infrared sauna can contribute to this.
Using the infrared sauna can also have a beneficial effect on people with skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, stretch marks and acne. Good circulation helps restore the skin's natural balance. Did you know that blood circulation is activated by using an infrared cabin? As you relax, the body starts to cool down, stimulating the heart rhythm and increasing the metabolic rate. Research shows that up to 600 calories are burned during a 30-minute session. Regular use of the infrared cabin strengthens the immune system. A session can also help with the onset of a cold. Muscles recover faster due to the relaxing heat and the supply of oxygen to the blood is improved.

How to use an infrared cabin for fibromyalgia
A 30-minute session is recommended if one suffers from fibromyalgia. It is also advisable to use a therapeutic infrared cabin that is equipped with infrared emitters in the back wall and infrared plate/carbon emitters on the side. Optionally, the infrared cabin can be equipped with short-wave infrared in the form of a full-spectrum radiator for an extra intense in-depth effect. Before sitting in the cabin, it is advisable to preheat it for about 5 minutes.
Prices infrared cabins offers
Infrared cabins have dropped considerably in price and become affordable in recent years. Nowadays, you can buy a good therapeutic infrared cabin for around €1500,- euro incl. VAT and delivered to your home address.
In conclusion
An infrared cabin is no miracle cure, but it has very positive short- and long-term effects for a large group of people suffering from some form of fibromyalgia. Research shows that pain and stiffness are reduced in many cases when people regularly use the infrared cabin. But an infrared cabin can also alleviate most rheumatic conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis. For more information, we advise you to consult your doctor first; he or she knows your situation best.