Detoxifying in the infrared sauna, here's what you need to know

Many diseases occur because there is an excess of toxic substances in our bodies. Every day, we come into contact with these toxic substances. Whether through work, airborne pollution or chemicals in everyday products, we do not escape them. Many of these substances are foreign to the body and do not belong there. We can get this these substances out of our bodies through detoxification. An infrared sauna can make a good contribution to liver detoxification in this regard. However, it is important that the infrared has a detox function up to 75 degrees. Infraplus Infrared Saunas contain this function and are therefore particularly suitable for a good ‘detox’ session.

Research on detoxification in the infrared cabin by Dr Clement

At the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, the world's oldest health centre, infrared therapy has been part of the detoxification programme for years. Doctor Clement, medical director of the centre, explains briefly: Infrared saunas are a great tool, and can greatly speed up the detoxification process. The heat gets a long way deep into the tissue, accelerating the natural metabolism. It also improves circulation, and starts adding oxygen to the tissues.

The skin as an excretory organ

The skin is the largest excretory organ for toxic substances, but often people do not sweat enough to work out all the harmful substances. The sun and the fact that we live more and more sedentary lives causes the skin to become damaged and inactive. Regular use of the infrared cabin restores the skin and drastically reduces toxins in the body. Not only will chemicals and heavy metals be shed, infrared will also help destroy viruses and other microbes, says Dr Clement.

Treating different symptoms with infrared sauna

Furthermore, there are quite a few studies regarding use of infrared cabins to help toxins out of the body. A study by G.H. Ross and M.C. Sternquist investigated the effect of saunas on officers working in a narcotic ward, and thus frequently coming into contact with drugs. Here, they found that by coming into contact with toxic substances, the agents developed a lot of physical and psychological complaints. Complaints ranged from fatigue to memory loss, numbness in the limbs, back pain, personality changes, hair loss and more. The agents were treated for an average of 33 days and saw their symptoms drop dramatically due to infrared therapy (see table below).

Heart patients and the infrared sauna

Infrared saunas can also offer a solution for people with heart failure, where medicines no longer seem to help. So says a study by Dr Sherry A. Rogers, MD (‘Detoxify or die, the superior sauna - Far Infrared Sauna’). In a traditional sauna, someone with heart problems may feel dizzy, get a headache or just not feel well because of the heat. It also raises the heart rate, which is pernicious for heart patients. With the infrared cabin, on the other hand, it is proven to have positive effects in people suffering from heart failure. Not only is the temperature much more pleasant to wear, no adverse effects have been observed when using the infrared sauna. On the contrary, several sessions in the infrared cabin removed most of the chemical causes of congestive (due to accumulation of blood) heart failure, reversing and improving symptoms, making medication virtually unnecessary. This is unseen in the medical world and again shows how an infrared cabin can do its job in detoxifying the body.

Excretion of waste products by the body

The body excretes harmful substances through 3 pathways: urine, bowel movements and sweat. Infrared ensures that all of these are stimulated. Toxins stored in fatty tissue are pushed out of the fat and into the bladder, kidneys, liver and skin, where they leave the body forever. To stimulate this detoxification process, we recommend drinking plenty of water before and possibly during and after the infrared session. This will cause you to sweat more, and will also encourage the kidneys to remove more harmful substances.

Detoxifying liver

Detoxifying the liver using an infrared sauna is an effective and relaxing method that is gaining recognition. The sweat reaction of the infrared sauna is a natural mechanism by which the body can eliminate harmful substances, including toxins processed by the liver. The infrared heat not only stimulates blood circulation but also promotes relaxation, which helps reduce stress, a factor that can affect liver health.

NASA also uses infrared therapy

Infrared therapy is not very well known yet, but it is the way to go in the future. Doctors in health centres are already convinced and use the cabins on a daily basis. But the World Health Organisation (WHO), NASA and several top athletes also use infrared saunas. For example, they were also used with 9/11 rescue workers, who ingested chemicals, to purify their bodies.

With this article, we are trying to make you aware of the positive changes an infrared sauna can have on your life. The more people we can reach, the more people can live longer, healthier lives.